This is a blog for those that love all kinds of lace wether it is tatting, bobbinlace, needle lace or any kind of lace. It is also for those that love Irish and Uk things such as history, music, customs and art.
679 - Lime Green
155 - Ocean Sunset - Has Lizbeth colors 623, 644, 643, 696, 664 (new color),665
(new color)156 - Juicy Watermelon - Melon lt, Geranium lt, Geranium Dk, Lizbeth 628 and679
(new color)150 - Rootbeer Float - Lizbeth 692, 691, Brown Med to Brown Lt, Beige brownlt664 -
Ocean -Teal Med665 -
Ocean Teal Dk672 -
Burgundy673 -
Terra Cotta149 -
Peacock Blues - Electric Blue dk, Electric Blue Med, lizbeth 658, Deeproyal Blue