Both of these witches are paper mache'd. One store bought I think from the giftshop of the hospital that I use to work at and the other I made...her name is Rhiannon whom is pictured on my website and her story is also there. Actually this website should be listed on my blog permanently shouldn't it...???
Now I have saved the best for last...I hope you are all still with me here....this is the doesn't get any better ....
This year I am doing a Halloween exchange with Carol Amich again. She loves Halloween just like I do...and take a look at what I got this year...YOU ALL WON'T BELIEVE IT!!!
It is my very own tatted Scooby Do figure...Can you believe that...he comes with a purple hat, a cape that I can take off if I want to lets say dress him in a Santa Suit come Christmas time. He is holding a bat staff in his one paw...I couldn't believe it when I saw it. Here are some pictures of Tatted Scooby Doo. Thank you so muchly Carol my ghoul friend. Enjoy!!!
Can you see Scooby's really is curly Qing...and his joints are actually there and his legs are bent just so ...and he has his black spots and woow....He really is too much and the pictures really do him no justice at all. He is precious!
In the last picture that I am sharing with you is the other things that Carol (Battatter) sent to me...a Scooby Doo bag to put my Candy, Candy, Candy in ( as Garfield would say) or maybe a tatting project or whatever...but what is cool is Scooby on the the bag was some candy...and guess what guys it is still in the bag...and she sent me some cool Halloween stickers too. is about 9PM here and I think I am now just going to go and sit has been a good, busy but fun day today.
I am suppose to be having four days off from babysitting...I wonder how much I can get done in that time...I hope lots and lots...may even start on working on my Christmas exchanges. But sometime tomorrow...the Halloweenie stuff will get packed away except for my Scooby Doos...they stay out all year around and my ghost that will go back into my bedroom. Then out comes the Thanksgiving stuff...but I do have to say since Thanksgiving is usually not one of my favorite holidays since I usually do alot of cooking and baking and washing dishes...UGH. (Love the food though) I don't have alot of stuff to decorate the house for Thanksgiving with, so what I got...won't take me long to get down from the loft and put out. And then it will be all fun time and a bit of relaxing time too.